Greetings from Slovenija ( S5 )

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Príspevky: 3
Dátum registrácie: 8. Novembra 2019, 20:15
Bydlisko: Slovenija-JN76BC

Greetings from Slovenija ( S5 )

Príspevok od užívateľa S52O » 8. Novembra 2019, 20:34

Best regards everyone on the forum.
My name is Zvone - S52O

I'm the constructor of qrp stations ( MCHf, Tulipan , Mini SW2017, uBitx...),i have a 3D printer and i have made several designs for print. ( free for HAM use )

Hunting radiosonde ( M10, RS41 ), i do SOTA and WCA...

Best 73 de Zvone - S52O